Friday 25 April 2014

Hills Like White Elephants Dialogue

'Are you sure? You don't look fine. We won't do this if you really don't want to,' he suggested with an air of concern.
'I know, I know,' she said. 'I just need to process it all.' Nervously, she smiled.
They both sat at the table looking deeply at each other. Gazing into each other's eyes, words were not necessary, at that moment they both understood each other. They had almost completely forgot about the scorching sun.
After that moment of intimacy, he said, 'Whatever happens, I'll always be right by you.'
As he felt her soul somewhat relax, she smiled with him, looking out the window.
'And I mean, given what we've already been through, this should be no problem,' he confessed, ' we've got this, you've got this.'
He cradled her nervous extremities. A moment passed while they overlooked the train platform, they could hear the tremble of a moving locomotive.
'Looks like our train is about here', her voice cracked mid sentence. Taking a deep breath, she said, ' I'm ready.'
He stood up first, looking at her intensely. He hoped he understood what she was about to go through. He knew it was going to be tough for her. He knew it would difficult for him to see her that way. He worried that he could not stay strong for her, because how could she remain solid, if he displays the utmost fragility at such an emotional situation. He braced himself.
They stood side by side at the edge of the platform, like a legion awaiting the first wave of an enemy invasion. 
‘You still fine?’ he asked, once again.
‘I think so,’ she declared, ‘I’m ready.’
The train entered the platform’s open arms. Despite declaring a sense of boldness, she felt in no way ready. It was a false declaration. She did not know how she would react to meeting her mother after their separation. She tried not to think of the possible ways her mother could react, such a contemplation would be far too much. After an eternity the train finally comes to a stop, she reminded herself to be strong, especially because her partner was a fragile specimen. The doors opened.
‘Alright let’s do this,’ she asserted, ‘ The letter said she would be in the third car.’
‘Okay, let’s go,’ he replied.
‘Why don’t we sit for a minute first?’ she asked.
‘ Are you sure you want to prolong the anticipation?, he replied, ‘I feel like that could make things worse.’
‘You’re probably right,’ she supposed, ‘I’m feeling a little light headed, I think it’s that drink.’
‘Alright...’ he was a little annoyed, ‘ You do realize that if we sit down, you’ll never be able to go over there. You don’t slow down before the finish line, do you?
She thought for a moment, knowing he was completely right. Emotion however, very often, finds a way to override logic. 
Taking a deep breath, she stated, ‘Let’s really do this.’

They walked down the train aisle and entered the third car.

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